Holiday Talkies

Holiday Talkies is a platform that brings out various local flavour of destinations. The brand will focus on the “traveller” side of travel, rather than a “tourist” side.

Holiday Talkies’ content will be rich in pictures and videos. It will have a deep sense of connection with the destination.

Most of the articles you read / see in Holiday Talkies will be written from a first-person narrative.

We work really hard to showcase quality content to you. We assure you that Holiday Talkies is not “oh-here-comes-yet-another-travel-blog”.

You will not find clickbait or curiosity-triggering-headlines like “You don’t know what this 90 year old grand father did during his 18th honeymoon trip to Hawaii”.

We do our best to give practical and useful Talkies Tip and Talkies Alert for the articles we write, so that it could enable our readers to travel better.

The DNA of the travel content we write revolves on 3 “I“:

  • “I”nformation – Informative content. Period.
  • “I”nspiration – Inspiring content. If you travel after reading any of the articles in Holiday Talkies, then the purpose of this platform is fulfilled.
  • “I”nteraction – No wikipedia can equate the rich knowledge that locals have about their destination. We also talk to the locals @ destination to bring out more authentic messages.

We avoid writing travel articles that doesn’t fall under the above three defining principles.

All photos in the website can be either clicked or opened in a new tab to see in higher resolution.

100% original content. 100% fresh. 100% talkies. No non-sense.

Travel. Create memories. Rest. Repeat.

Welcome to Holiday Talkies.

– Soujanya & Karthick